Bethenny is a self-taught business mogul who believes in not being penny wise and dollar foolish. She hasn’t always had an easy road when it comes to her business ventures. We’ve watched her on our TV screens since 2008 with the launch of her brand, Skinnygirl, all the way to her landing a seat as a shark on ABC’s Sharktank. Today, she is sharing two business tips that she has learned along the way, so you don’t make the same mistakes!

  1. Be prepared for it all. We always worry about the “what ifs” in life, and usually, they don’t happen. Bethenny explains that in business, “Most things do happen. There are going to be crazy loopholes that come up, and you have to dot your I’s and cross your T’s.”
  2. Invest in an accountant (or business manager). Taxes and money are not something you should be tackling on your own. Bethenny explains, “you’re going to make mistakes; you’re going to lose money. Don’t be penny-wise and dollar foolish. If you can afford to have someone run your business or do your accounting, then you should.”

Watch the full video below for more business tips!

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