Today we are learning all about Chia, also referred to as Chia seeds, from Bethenny’s high school friend, Mia Russo Stern! She is a natural food chef, a food photographer, and a recipe developer. We love chatting with Mia about all things health and hope you do too.

Cha Cha Cha Chia! Yes, you are correct! Chia seeds or “Chia” are the same seed from the much loved Chia Pet from the 80’s! Chia actually date back to 3500 BC but have made a resurgence in recent years. Chia or more formally known as Salvia Hispanica come from Central America. Chia were a staple in the Aztec diet. In the Mayan language, the word Chia translates to “strength”. They were revered and considered sacred food. The chia seed was also used in religious ceremonies. Praised for their ability to impart powerful energy to those that consumed it, the seed also was easy to keep fresh due to its’ long shelf life. Chia seeds can be found in both black and white, and sometimes you can buy them mixed. Their nutritional power is the same no matter the color.

Chia seeds are packed with nutrients like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for the skin, cardiovascular health, and digestion, they are also high in protein and fiber. Because chia seeds can hold onto water and bloat up exponentially, it has been said that they can provide extra hydration and provide sustained energy for athletes. Just be sure to drink water throughout the day with chia so that you allow for it to do its’ job of moving effortlessly through your digestive tract, and not the opposite (wink wink)!

There are so many fun ways to consume them! They are a great thickening agent when you need to bulk up a recipe. You can bake with them, make a “chia egg” which can be used as an egg replacement in recipes, you can simply add them to a glass of water or juice and make what is called a Chia Fresco, but my number one favorite way to eat chia seeds is making an overnight pudding! Thick, luscious, creamy, and just so darn tasty. Scroll down for the recipe and to read more about Mia.

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Mia Russo Stern, CEO of Brooklyn Culinary and owner of Organically Thin Wellness and Weight Loss, focuses on holistic wellness and longevity with her clients! You can check out more of what Mia does here.

As a breast cancer survivor she is devoted to eating foods with meaningful health benefits. Mia’s passion for food has always lead her to the kitchen, where she works her ‘magic’ bringing new recipes from her imagination to our plates. She never dreamt that everything that mattered to her– food, friends, helping others, cooking, photography, technology, and health could come together as if by Kismet and become the next stage of her life, but it has!

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Instagram: @miarussostern / @brooklynculinary

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