We love this new video from Bethenny’s friend Patrick! He shares a simple and fun way to create a fancy Thanksgiving table full of our favorite fast food or take out. After not seeing our friends and family for so long, let’s make it memorable and stress free!

Patrick is Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Patrick J. Clayton Productions, a full service event design and production company in NYC, Philly and Los Angeles. Patrick’s Instagram and Facebook provide hours of material to help you fantasize about your next event! Read more about Patrick below the video and watch more of Patrick’s videos here.


Patrick and his team provide cutting-edge visual solutions that excite the senses and infuse environments with a classic yet modern look. With experience in wholesale, retail, and event planning, Patrick has developed comprehensive creative programs for a diverse clientele – from themed interiors to attention grabbing retail concepts and merchandising displays. Prior to starting Patrick J Clayton Productions, Patrick handled merchandising and visual direction for Lacoste, event design for Robert Verdi, Inc, and merchandising and events at Gap, Express and JCPenney. He also has taught Fashion Show Production and Event Planning I and II at LIM College in NYC.

Patrick’s creativity stems from a family history of home design, retail management and entertaining.

From parties and product launches to fashion shows and weddings, Patrick has the solution.

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